Marketing to Medicare or Medicaid Beneficiaries – What You Can and Cannot Do

About Course
Because the Anti-Kickback Statute is so broad it what it prescribes, healthcare organizations, conducting what would be normal marketing activities in other industries, have run afoul of the Statute on numerous occasions. The Statute and the regulations only tell part of the story. This program will review not only the Statute and its safe harbors but will provide an in-depth overview of OIG guidance and advisory opinions dealing with marketing activities, as well as a review of case law regarding marketing behavior.
If your organization, be it a hospital, physician practice, DME provider, or any other provider offering healthcare services or supplies, engages in marketing its product or services, care must be taken to ensure that the organization does not run afoul of the Anti-Kickback Statute. When you finish this program, you should have a good understanding of what you can and cannot do with regard to healthcare marketing activities. The penalties for not conducting a marketing program correctly can be severe, including exclusion, civil monetary penalties and even criminal prosecution.
Areas Covered In The Session:
- Overview of the Anti-Kickback Statute, what it is and what is prohibited
- Review of the safe harbors that relate to marketing activities
- OIG advisory opinions as they relate to marketing
- OIG compliance guidance as it relates to marketing
- An overview of case law relating to marketing activities
- Strategies that should be taken to preclude liability
Course Content
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